Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My First Time

I decided it would be prudent to get a cheap pre-paid cell phone that didn't require registering to use for handling business. I was very nervous that someone I may know would see my phone number listed right under promises to fulfill every fantasy, or that I may get in trouble with the police.
E had advised me to start off with a lower rate than most of the other girls in my area, and to advertise that it was my first time. I set my rate at $100 for an hour, extras were negotiable. E encouraged me to charge more for everything- multiple orgasms (pops), blowjobs, anal-everything should cost more, $100 should be what gets a john in the door. I was incredibly nervous, and about 15 minutes after my ad was posted, my phone began to ring.
The first call was from a man who sounded very nice over the phone and wanted to meet up with both B and myself later that evening. We agreed upon 7 pm. E, B and I set about tidying the place up, and E gave some last minute warnings, such as don't be the one to bring up sex, make him touch me, etc. He promised to wait outside in the backyard so he could come in if something should go awry. 
My heart was pounding in my chest, my hands were clammy and shaking. 7 o'clock rolled around and there was a knock on the door. B and I invited our 'guest' inside and we sat in the living room talking for a bit. In the end he decided he didn't want to do both of us, he only wanted to do me. I was slightly flattered but still very nervous about the whole situation. B left and went around back to hang out with E.
I led my client, my very first client, down the hall into my bedroom and closed the door. He was immediately all over me, kissing and groping. I was a little taken aback, but also a little relieved - he wasn't a cop. He was a Hispanic man, very handsome and very passionate. He insisted on keeping all the lights in the room on (I hate that! I much prefer sex with the lights out!), and touched me everywhere.  He wanted to go down on me, but I was just so uncomfortable with that thought. E's words about charging more for things kept popping into the back of my head, but I had no idea how to bring that up. I didn't want to break the mood - this guy was paying his money for me to provide an experience, and I felt like bringing up money in the middle would be in poor taste (a hooker concerned with manners and poor taste!).
After making out and feeling each other up for a little while, he began doing the traditional "I'm tapping on your head so you know to suck me now" move most all men do. I went down on him for a little bit, and from the sounds of things he really enjoyed it. He eventually put his hand under my chin, and gently led me up and said in this cute accent, "I want to fuck you now."
He led me to my bed and laid me down, it was almost a romantic gesture. He was very gentle at first, and then it became more and more erratic and heated. He was really enjoying himself. For about 45 minutes this went on, and I asked him if he was close to popping. He was waiting on me, he let me know, waiting on me to orgasm, because "real men always make her cum first".
Fuck. As nice as this guy was, I wasn't exactly in my orgasm zone. The erratic humping, the bright lights, the pushing my legs all over the place, it so wasn't happening. Time to put on the game face. I started moaning like a cat in heat, and then just screaming, really going at it. "Oh yes, baby, that's it, FUCK I'm cumming!"
Over and over, complete with phony tremors and panting, I just kept faking orgasms. It worked, and he popped about 8 minutes later. He even wanted a cuddle.
After we cleaned up and he was leaving, he paid me $100 plus an extra $40 as a tip. He was so polite, he even kissed me on the cheek on his way out the door.
As soon as his car pulled out of the driveway and down the street, E and B came back inside. They were peppering me with all sorts of questions. They said they'd been listening outside my bedroom window and thought I'd really enjoyed it, I really hated to burst that bubble. "He was really nice guys, but I totally faked it."
E was disappointed, he said "but it sounded real. You made all those noises with me, too, when we were dating." I calmly assured him I never faked with him (not a complete lie, I only faked sometimes with E).
After talking about the experience and admitting that it wasn't so bad and I'd be ok, E kissed us both and went home, and B and I went to bed. 


  1. Mm. An enjoyable first read, listening to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy's Maddest Kind Of Love .

  2. wow, its hard to believe that the guy was actually trying to make you cum first. I mean i've never heard of such a thing before. Although i do agree that a lot of what he did seemed almost romantic as odd as it sounds.

    I have to ask though, did the fact that you did it keep you up at all? like did you end up staying awake thinking about it or was it easy to sort of dismiss?

  3. You had an epic thread on /adv/. Keep up the good work!


  4. Please tell more detailed stories like this! They are so interesting to read
